August 2022 Articles
A close look at a recent embezzlement case in New Jersey
While each instance of alleged white-collar crime has unique factors, a close look at a specific case can reveal some aspects of the New Jersey legal system. Embezzlement, the fraudulent taking of assets by another person entrusted with those assets, often involves a complex mix of actions. One case, involving...
Read MoreWhat does it take to convict you of wire fraud
When you use electronic communications across state lines to defraud others, you may face conviction, severe fines and up to 20 years in prison. These penalties may also apply even if you do not succeed in stealing someone’s money or property. A prosecutor can use the following strategies to steer...
Read MoreWhy you do not want to get convicted of mail fraud
Mail fraud is a federal crime. To prove mail fraud, a prosecutor must show that you intended to defraud persons to get their property or money and used the mail to carry out your scheme. Using an interstate delivery service other than the U.S. postal service counts for determining if...
Read MoreHealth care fraud conspiracy raises questions about connections
Allegations of fraud of any kind risk harm to business owners, investors and industry professionals. When the stakes are in the millions, the penalties threaten the stability of businesses through thousands of dollars worth of fines and the futures of those charged with long years of prison time. When facing...
Read MoreCan outsiders be guilty of insider trading
Insider trading may lead to civil or criminal charges resulting in steep penalties, prison sentences or both. Under New Jersey and federal law, obtaining non-public information leading back to a company insider and acting upon it for monetary gain is illegal. You can also face civil or criminal charges even...
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