March 2023 Articles
Signs of cryptocurrency fraud
In 2009, Bitcoin became the first cryptocurrency in an effort to decentralize the money supply. Over the last 14 years, more than 21,000 additional currencies have entered the market. Today, more than 50 million Americans own some type of crypto, and 57% of those are millennials. However, with the recent...
What exactly is securities fraud
It is important for individuals who believe that they may be under investigation for wrongdoing – as well as individuals who have been formally charged with criminal wrongdoing – to understand the exact nature of their alleged crimes. Only when the nuanced nature of the crime at issue is fully...
Can the police open your phone
People use their phones for everything these days. They use them for text messages, email messages, social media profiles, taking pictures and videos, doing online banking and much more. As such, if you’re being investigated for financial crimes, the police may want to look at your phone to see if...
What is inadequate disclosure
If you are trying to get people to invest in your business, you will want to paint a positive picture of the company’s performance to date (if it is already up and running) and its future prospects. Walking into a meeting room and saying, “Hi, I’ve got a company that...
How can you defend yourself against loan fraud charges
A huge number of Americans will apply for a loan at some point in their lives. The idea that a mistake during the application process can lead to loan fraud charges is truly terrifying. Loan fraud can come in a variety of forms, such as bank fraud, mortgage fraud and...
2 ways people misuse other peoples personal information
If you own a business or work as an employee, there is a good chance that you need to handle customers’ personal information at some point as part of your job duties. People may intentionally or unintentionally exploit other people’s personal information in many ways. If a customer discovers that...
What is a money mule
Many criminals realize that getting someone else to do work for them reduces the chance that they will be caught and allows them to bring in even more profits. Sometimes, those whom they select know what they are getting into, such as when people sign up to sell drugs for...
What's trending in criminal tax enforcement efforts
It is widely known that the IRS recently received a significant influx of funding via the Inflation Reduction Act that was signed into law last August. What is less clear is exactly how individual Americans and corporate entities will be directly impacted by the shifts that will be made as...
Check related fraud is on the rise
In numerous cities across the U.S., check-related fraud rates are on the rise. In Chicago alone, banks have reported twice as many check fraud-related crimes over the last year than they did during the previous two years. Local news outlets have reported that some fraudsters feel so emboldened by their...
White collar prosecution rates continue to drop
Although there are some kinds of criminal wrongdoing that have been escalating in recent years, there is reason to believe that white-collar offenses are not among those that are spiking. According to the Syracuse University joint data center known as the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), white-collar prosecution hit an...