Federal Criminal Case Successes
Dramatically Reduced Sentence
Defended a multimillion-dollar securities investor against federal criminal and civil charges brought by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, for securities fraud and perjury, resulting in a dramatically reduced sentence.
Full Dismissal of all charges
Represented an owner of a multimillion-dollar company charged by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Jersey with committing health care fraud and secured a full dismissal of all charges
substantially downgraded misdemeanor charge and non-jail sentence
Represented an individual charged by the FBI in a multicount computer hacking/international fraud, securing a substantially downgraded misdemeanor charge and non-jail sentence
$7 million criminal health care and tax fraud case
Represented a pharmacist in a $7 million criminal health care and tax fraud case brought by the FBI, Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York.
Represented a witness in International Money Laundering Investigation
Represented a witness/employee in connection with a multimillion-dollar international money laundering investigation conducted by the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York
Successful Representation
Avoided criminal liability and obtained a 75% reduction in repayment by a Medicaid biller for alleged improper billing practices
75% reduction in repayment
Represented the owner and operator of numerous New York pharmacies charged with a multimillion-dollar Medicaid fraud scheme to defraud
Successful Defense
Defended a Saudi Arabian national in a series of forgery and false document allegations brought by the New York City Police Department and Manhattan District Attorney’s Office
Declared an expert on health care fraud investigation techniques
Declared an expert on health care fraud investigation techniques in defense of licensed health care provider in a criminal trial in California Superior Court
Served as compliance counsel
Served as compliance counsel to a physician and his telemedicine practice
Successful Representation
Represented seafood company employees in an environmental crime investigation conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Department of Justice, Environmental Crimes Section
Secured a nonprosecution agreement
Secured a nonprosecution agreement for a licensed securities professional who was the target of a criminal investigation and prosecution by the SEC and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York
Successful Defense
Successfully defended the owner of a multimillion-dollar real estate asset against forfeiture allegations by the FBI, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York
Successful Representation
Represented the administrator of an estate in an effort to recover over $400,000 of illegally diverted funds from the estate
Successful Representation
Represented a health care company owner in a New Jersey Attorney General investigation regarding claims of consumer fraud
Successful Representation
Represented a pharmaceutical company employee accused of insider trading for the sale of company stock
Successful Representation
Assisted an individual with a 20-year-old federal conviction in an effort to seal the record through a novel legal theory
Successful Representation
Successfully represented over one dozen families in Fair Hearing actions brought by New Jersey Boards of Social Services claiming recoupment of Family Care, HUD Section 8 and SNAP payments
Dramatically Reduced Sentence
Successfully convinced the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York to reduce an international drug distribution charge with a 10-year mandatory minimum jail sentence to a lower-level marijuana sale charge with no mandatory minimum and the potential for probation
Successful Representation
Represented an owner of a chemical manufacturing company in a federal environmental crime investigation and prosecution
two-year suspension in lieu of revocation
Assisted a New Jersey and New York physician in state claims of misconduct and fraud, where the state was seeking permanent revocation of the doctor’s license – the state agreed to a two-year suspension in lieu of revocation
Federal Section 8 Housing Criminal Investigation
Successfully Represented Client in Federal Section 8 Housing Criminal Investigation, Resulting in No Charges Being Brought.
Successful Representation
Represent Relator in Federal False Claims Act Case Involving over Alleged $500 Million in Fraudulent Billings
Avoided criminal charges
Successfully Aided Client in Avoiding Criminal Charges in Federal Embezzlement Investigation
Successful Representation
Represent Cardio-Thorasic Surgeon in a Federal Criminal Anti-Kickback Investigation
Case Sealing
Assisted client with Federal Criminal Case Sealing Motion
Prevented Charges
Prevented Charges from Being Filed Against Former C-Suite Member of Publicly Traded Company in Federal Insider Trading Investigation
non-jail sentence
Obtained a non-jail sentence for Client in Federal Tax Fraud Prosecution
non-jail sentence
Obtained a Non-Jail Sentence for Autistic Client for Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material
non-jail sentence
Obtained a Non-Jail Sentence for Autistic Creator of the Internet's Largest Forum for Stolen Personal Identification Information
non-jail sentence
Obtained a non-jail sentence for a 20-year old client facing an otherwise mandatory 5-year jail sentence who was charged with possession of CSAM
Successful Representation
Represent Client in Fourth Circuit Government Sentencing Appeal Regarding Dark Web Fraud
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Federal PPP Fraud Prosecution
obtained reduced sentence
Obtained a significantly reduced sentence for Client Convicted of Federal Bribery-related Crimes in New York
non-jail sentence
Obtained a non-jail sentence in a Federal Drug Conspiracy Prosecution in SDNY
well-below guidelines sentence
Represented New York City Department of Corrections Officer in Federal Theft of Governmental Funds Matter -- Obtaining a well-below Guidelines Sentence
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Federal Child Sexual Abuse Material Investigation and Prosecution
Successful Representation
Represent Client in Federal Mail Fraud Prosecution
Witness Representation
Represent Witness in FBI Mafia Probe
Successful Representation
Represent U.S. Citizen in EDNY Federal Case of Failing to Register as a Foreign Agent and Bribery
significantly reduced sentence
Obtained significantly reduced sentence for client in federal wire fraud case
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Federal Resentencing Process Involving Significantly Reduced Sentencing Application
Successful Representation
Represented Federal Bureau of Prison Guard in Obstruction of Justice Case
Successful Representation
Represented 20-Year Old Accused of Cryptocurrency and Dark Web Related Fraud
Misdemeanor Plea
Obtained a Misdemeanor Plea and Non-Jail Sentence for Client Facing a Mandatory 10-Year Prison Sentence on Federal Drug Importation Charges
witness representation
Represented Witness in New Jersey Federal Wire Fraud Prosecution
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Federal Child Sexual Abuse Material Prosecution
well-below guidelines sentence
Achieved a well-below guidelines Sentence in an SDNY Wire Fraud Criminal Matter
non-jail sentence
Obtained non-jail sentence for Federal Gambling Conviction in the Northern District of Ohio
Successful Representation
Successfully Represented Client in Motion for Early Termination of Federal Probation
Federal Fraud Investigation
Represented Title Company in New Jersey Federal Fraud Investigation
non-jail sentence
Obtained Non-jail sentence for 20-year old Client in Federal Drug Distribution Case
No Charges Brought
Represented Clients in US OPM Fraud Investigation. No Charges Brought
Successful Representation
Represented Client in SDNY Tax Fraud Prosecution
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Federal Prosecution of Alleged Illegal Money Remitting Business
substantially below guidelines sentence
Obtained favorable, substantially below guidelines sentence for one of first PPP Fraud Matters in SDNY
Successful Representation
Australian Money Laundering SDNY Matter
Successful Representation
Represented Founder of World's Largest Crypto-Based Multi-Level Marketing Company in Federal Criminal Case
Successful Representation
Represent Client in Second Circuit Sentencing Appeal in a $100 million crypto currency fraud
non-jail sentence
Obtained non-jail sentence for Owner of Marine Paint Company Convicted of Clean Water Act Violations
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Federal Wire and Bank Fraud Matter in SDNY
Successful Representation
Represented Defendant in one of the first in the nation PPP Fraud Criminal Prosecutions
Successful Representation
Represented Owner of Health Care Company in EDNY Health Care Fraud Prosecution
significantly reduced sentence
Obtained a significantly reduced sentence for Client Convicted of Federal Health Care Fraud in New York
Successful Representation
Represented 20-Year-Old Charged with Distribution of Narcotics Resulting in Death
avoided criminal charges
Successfully Avoided Criminal Charges for Client In a Federal Corporate Fraud Investigation
Successful Representation
Represent Cooperator in Federal Securities Fraud Prosecution
avoided charges
Successfully persuaded Federal Authorities not to charge Client in an Insider Trading investigation
Avoided Prosecution
Successfully Avoided Prosecution for Target of an SDNY Federal Wire Fraud Investigation
Federal Civil Case Successes
Recovered $2 Million
Recovered $2 Million for Client in Civil/Criminal Cases Involving Stolen Electronics
Motion to Dismiss Civil Complaint
Assisted Client in Drafting Motion to Dismiss Civil Complaint in Lieu of Arbitration
Successful Representation
Advised Client Regarding Settlement Options in Federal Civil Fraud Matter
Federal Civil Tariff Matter
Local Counsel in Federal Civil Tariff Matter
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Employment Discrimination at Rutgers University
State Criminal Case Successes
New Jersey Unemployment Fraud
Advised Client in New Jersey Unemployment Fraud Matter
Avoided Criminal Prosecution
Avoided Criminal Prosecution in a New York State Department of Health Medicaid Investigation
Avoided Prosecution
Successfully Avoided Prosecution for Company and Senior Employee in New York Federal and SEC Fraud Investigation. Convinced Government to Prosecute Other Senior Employees, Both of Whom were Convicted
NJ State Tax Investigation
Consulted with Client Regarding Federal and NJ State Tax Investigation
Avoided Criminal Charges
Successfully Avoided Criminal Charges for Client in a New Jersey State Financial Crimes Investigation
Avoided Criminal Prosecution
Successfully Avoided Criminal Prosecution for Group Home Employee Regarding a NJ Department of Homeland Security Death Investigation
DWI Prosecution
Represented Client in NJ DWI Prosecution
non-jail sentence
Obtained a non-jail sentence for Client with Significant Mental Illness Facing a Mandatory Multi-Year Sentence for Sexual Assault
non-criminal resolution
Obtained a favorable, non-criminal resolution for a group home company charged with neglect and abuse
non-criminal resolution
Obtained a non-Criminal Resolution for Client Charged with Theft in Princeton, New Jersey
Weapons Possession Case
Represented Client in New Jersey Weapons Possession Case
Cyber-Bullying/Invasion of Privacy
Represented Client in Cyber-Bullying/Invasion of Privacy Investigation in Mercer County, New Jersey
Successful Representation
Successfully Represented Client in New Jersey Municipal Criminal Mischief Matter
DWI Prosecution
Represented Client in New Jersey DWI Prosecution
Public Lewdness
Successfully Represented Client in Princeton, New Jersey Public Lewdness Investigation
non-jail sentence
Obtained a Non-Jail Sentence for Client Facing a Mandatory Multi-Year Prison Sentence on Assault Weapons Possession in New Jersey State Court
Theft by Deception Charges
Obtained dismissal of Theft by Deception Charges in New Jersey Superior Court
Provided Legal Opinion
Provided Legal Opinion to Client Charged with Homicide in New Jersey State Court
Avoided Criminal Sanctions
Avoided Criminal Sanctions for 80-year Old Client Charged with Assault by Successfully Convincing Prosecution that Client Acted in Self-Defense
Non-Criminal Adjudication
Obtained Favorable Non-Criminal Adjudication for 19 Year Old Client in New York State Violent Felony Matter
check fraud dismissal
Obtained Dismissal of Check Fraud in New Jersey Court
non-jail sentence
Obtained non-jail sentence in a Federal Health Care Fraud Criminal Matter in New Jersey
effective dismissal
Obtained effective dismissal for an Under the Influence of CDS in New Jersey State Court
Successful Representation
Represented Mother Wrongly Accused of Fraud and Theft
Successful Representation
Successfully Defended Client in New Jersey State Shoplifting Case
Achieved Dismissal
Achieved Dismissal of New Jersey Indictable Offense for Financial Fraud
Obtained effective dismissal
Obtained effective dismissal for a Third Degree Drug Offense in New Jersey State Court
Successful Representation
Represent Professional Racer in New Jersey State Criminal Mischief Action
Successful Representation
Represent Client in a Pennington, New Jersey Municipal Court Obstruction of Justice Matter
Obtained Full Dismissal
Obtained Full Dismissal of Charges for Client Wrongfully Accused of Violating Governor's COVID Restriction related Executive Order -- Nation Press Attention
Obtained Dismissal
Obtained Dismissal of Felony Stolen Property Charges Against Innocent Client
State Civil Case Successes
New Jersey Unemployment Fraud
Advised Client in New Jersey Unemployment Fraud Matter
Avoided Criminal Prosecution
Avoided Criminal Prosecution in a New York State Department of Health Medicaid Investigation
Avoided Prosecution
Successfully Avoided Prosecution for Company and Senior Employee in New York Federal and SEC Fraud Investigation. Convinced Government to Prosecute Other Senior Employees, Both of Whom were Convicted
NJ State Tax Investigation
Consulted with Client Regarding Federal and NJ State Tax Investigation
Avoided Criminal Charges
Successfully Avoided Criminal Charges for Client in a New Jersey State Financial Crimes Investigation
Avoided Criminal Prosecution
Successfully Avoided Criminal Prosecution for Group Home Employee Regarding a NJ Department of Homeland Security Death Investigation
DWI Prosecution
Represented Client in NJ DWI Prosecution
non-jail sentence
Obtained a non-jail sentence for Client with Significant Mental Illness Facing a Mandatory Multi-Year Sentence for Sexual Assault
non-criminal resolution
Obtained a favorable, non-criminal resolution for a group home company charged with neglect and abuse
non-criminal resolution
Obtained a non-Criminal Resolution for Client Charged with Theft in Princeton, New Jersey
Weapons Possession Case
Represented Client in New Jersey Weapons Possession Case
Cyber-Bullying/Invasion of Privacy
Represented Client in Cyber-Bullying/Invasion of Privacy Investigation in Mercer County, New Jersey
Successful Representation
Successfully Represented Client in New Jersey Municipal Criminal Mischief Matter
DWI Prosecution
Represented Client in New Jersey DWI Prosecution
Public Lewdness
Successfully Represented Client in Princeton, New Jersey Public Lewdness Investigation
non-jail sentence
Obtained a Non-Jail Sentence for Client Facing a Mandatory Multi-Year Prison Sentence on Assault Weapons Possession in New Jersey State Court
Theft by Deception Charges
Obtained dismissal of Theft by Deception Charges in New Jersey Superior Court
Provided Legal Opinion
Provided Legal Opinion to Client Charged with Homicide in New Jersey State Court
Avoided Criminal Sanctions
Avoided Criminal Sanctions for 80-year Old Client Charged with Assault by Successfully Convincing Prosecution that Client Acted in Self-Defense
Non-Criminal Adjudication
Obtained Favorable Non-Criminal Adjudication for 19 Year Old Client in New York State Violent Felony Matter
check fraud dismissal
Obtained Dismissal of Check Fraud in New Jersey Court
non-jail sentence
Obtained non-jail sentence in a Federal Health Care Fraud Criminal Matter in New Jersey
effective dismissal
Obtained effective dismissal for an Under the Influence of CDS in New Jersey State Court
Successful Representation
Represented Mother Wrongly Accused of Fraud and Theft
Successful Representation
Successfully Defended Client in New Jersey State Shoplifting Case
Achieved Dismissal
Achieved Dismissal of New Jersey Indictable Offense for Financial Fraud
Obtained effective dismissal
Obtained effective dismissal for a Third Degree Drug Offense in New Jersey State Court
Successful Representation
Represent Professional Racer in New Jersey State Criminal Mischief Action
Successful Representation
Represent Client in a Pennington, New Jersey Municipal Court Obstruction of Justice Matter
Obtained Full Dismissal
Obtained Full Dismissal of Charges for Client Wrongfully Accused of Violating Governor's COVID Restriction related Executive Order -- Nation Press Attention
Obtained Dismissal
Obtained Dismissal of Felony Stolen Property Charges Against Innocent Client
Whistleblower Case Successes
Whistleblower Representation
Represented whistleblowers/relators in a $1 billion SEC action regarding an international investment bank
Whistleblower Representation
Represented whistleblowers/relators in a $40 million tax fraud investigation conducted by the IRS and New York Attorney General
Whistleblower Representation
Represented a whistleblower/relator in a $150 million foreign exchange currency fraud investigation conducted by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York
Whistleblower Representation
Represent Relator in Employee Discrimination and Multi-Million Dollar Medicaid Whistleblower Claim
Whistleblower Representation
Represented Former Employee in Federal Whistleblower PPP Fraud Investigation/False Claims Act Case
Whistleblower Representation
Represent Various C-Suite Members of Publicly Traded Company in SEC Securities Fraud Whistleblower Claim
Whistleblower Representation
Represented Client in SEC Whistleblower/Retaliation Matter Alleging $500 Million in Fraud
Whistleblower Representation
Represent Clients in SEC Whistleblower Action Regarding Approximately $1 Billion Securities Fraud
Whistleblower Representation
Represent SEC Whistleblower Regarding Multi-Million Dollar Fraud that Resulted in the Delisting of a Publicly-Traded Company
Whistleblower Representation
Represent Client in Multi-Billion Dollar SEC Whistleblower Action Regarding Wide-spread Fraud in CMBS
Whistleblower Representation
Represent SEC Whistleblower Regarding Multi-Million Fraud by Publicly Traded Company and its CEO
Whistleblower Representation
Represent Whistleblowers in an SEC Fraud Investigation with Potential $100 Million Award
Whistleblower Representation
Represent Whistleblower Regarding Multi-Million Dollar PPP/EIDL Fraud
Whistleblower Representation
Represented CFO of Publicly Traded Company in Federal Criminal Investigation and Prosecution of CEO and President
Whistleblower Representation
Multi-Million Dollar False Claims Act Filing Regarding Corrupt Health Care Company in EDNY
Other Case Successes
two-year suspension in lieu of revocation
Assisted a New Jersey and New York physician in state claims of misconduct and fraud, where the state was seeking permanent revocation of the doctor’s license – the state agreed to a two-year suspension in lieu of revocation
treatment and early release possibilities
Represented Doctor at New York State Medical Licensing Hearing. Treatment and Early Release Possibilities regarding Incarceration at Devens.
Insurance Claim Arbitrations
Represented Large Hospital Chain in various Insurance Claim Arbitrations.
Family Care and SNAP Benefits
Successfully Represented Dozens of Families in New Jersey Administrative Actions Regarding Family Care and SNAP Benefits.
Princeton University Committee on Discipline Actions
Obtained Favorable Rulings for Multiple Clients in Princeton University Committee on Discipline Actions.
NJ Department of Education License Revocation
Assisted Client in Avoiding NJ Department of Education License Revocation After Criminal Investigation.
Reduced Financial Penalty
Reduced Financial Penalty by More than 75% in New Jersey State Administrative Action.
Successful Representation
Local Counsel in Federal False Claims Act Case in Northern District of New York
Obtained Section 8 Voucher
Assisted Client in Obtaining Section 8 Housing Voucher from the State of New Jersey.
Successful Representation
Successfully Represented Non-Profit Through a New Jersey Department of Homeland Security Investigation.
Successful Representation
Assisted Client in Criminal Referral and Asset Recovery regarding Fraud Perpetrated by Family Member.
Successful Representation
Assisted Client in Recovery of Stolen Property.
Multi-Million Dollar Recovery
Obtained Unprecedented Multi-Million Recovery For Over 75 Victims of International Ponzi Scheme and Financial Fraud.
Recovered Almost $1 Million
Recovered Almost $1 Million in Federal Homeland Security Forfeiture Action.
Successful Representation
Recovered Client's Life-Savings from Improvidently Closed Bank Account.
Assisted Client in an On-line Fraud Scheme
Assisted Client in Referral to Secret Service of Loss of Life Savings in an On-line Fraud Scheme.
Successful Representation
Represent Client in Recovery and Reporting of Stolen Electronics from Shipping Warehouse.
Successful Representation
Assist Foreign Corporation in Recovery of Stolen Funds.
Assisted Client to Recover Stolen Funds
Assisted Client in Attempted Recovery of Stolen Funds from Major Financial Institution.
Assisted Company to Recover Stolen Funds
Assisted Australian Company in Recovery of Approximately $570,000 in stolen funds.
Successful Representation
Helped Recover $2 Million for Victim of Federally Prosecuted Fraud.
Successful Representation in Collections Actions
Represent Dozens of Businesses in Collections Actions.
Obtained six-figure settlement
Obtained favorable six-figure settlement in Federal Employment Discrimination -- Hostile Work Environment.
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Federal Health Care Fraud False Claim Act Matter
Federal False Claims Act Health Care Fraud Case
Represent Relator in Federal False Claims Act Health Care Fraud Case in New Jersey, Resulting in Criminal Prosecution of two of the primary fraudsters
Successful Representation
Represent Relator in a False Claims Act Case Involving Multi-Million Overbilling for Medical Services
$10 Million Award
Represented Relator in Successful False Claims Act Case against a large pharmaceutical company. Relator received $10 Million Award
Almost $9 Million Recovery
Represented Relator in Successful First-of-Its-Kind False Claims Act Health Care Fraud from Large Rehabilitation Facility Resulting in an almost $9 Million Recovery
Successful Representation
Assisted Client in Recovering Contents of Stolen Binance Accounts.
recovered life savings
Recovered Client's Life Savings in a Federal/ICE Forfeiture Action
recovered life savings
Assisted Client in Recovery of Life-Savings That had Been Improperly Seized by State Authorities
accessed frozen funds
Assisted Client in accessing frozen funds in federal criminal case for legal fees and living expenses
Successful Representation
Assisted Client in Recovery of approximately $1 Million in Seized Foreign Assets
Recovered Significant Assets
Local Counsel in Federal Forfeiture Action -- Recovered Significant Assets from Government for Client
Compliance Consulting
Compliance Consulting to Group Home and Home Health Agency
Represented Victim
Represent Victim Company regarding Theft of Services by Employees
Avoided Criminal Prosecution
Successfully Avoided Criminal Prosecution in an International Extortion Investigation
Successful Representation
Assisted Client with Computer Hacking Law Enforcement Referral
Obtained Significant Recovery
Conducted Internal Investigation of Embezzlement of First Responder Agency Funds - Obtained Significant Recovery of Stolen Funds
provided legal opinion
Provided Client with Legal Opinion Regarding Department of Transportation Medical Examinations
Successful Representation
Counsel Company in Dissociation of Corrupt Owner/Employee
Tax Investigation
Advised Client on Potential Multi-Million Tax Investigation
Successful Representation
Represent President and Company regarding false accusations and monetary demands
Obtained Successful Resolution
Obtained Successful Resolution for Client Regarding a Corporate Internal Investigation Involving Fraud by Senior-Level Employees
Pre-Litigation Employment Representation
Pre-Litigation Employment Representation, Avoiding Prolonged Litigation and a Favorable Outcome for Client
Consulted with Client
Consulted with Client Regarding a NJ Department of Health Neglect Determination
Assisted Client
Assisted Client in Revising Princeton University Disciplinary Record, Allowing for Admission to State Bar
Assisted Client
Assisted Client with Civil Settlement Stemming from Criminal Investigation
Reviewed Severance
Reviewed Severance and General Release for well-known New York Journalist
Motion to Dismiss
Consult with Client Regarding Motion to Dismiss Indivior Criminal Prosecution
Successful Representation
Represented Client in an IRS 730 Examination Resulting in No Taxes Due and Owing
Successful Representation
Represented Health Care Professional in NJ Attorney General Fraud Investigation, Avoiding any Criminal, Civil, or Administrative Action
Child Custody Arrangement
Negotiated Child Custody Arrangement Prior to Criminal Referral
Consulted and Investigated
Consulted and Investigated Business Practices of a Veterans' Affairs Pension Agency
Compassionate Release Motion
Assisted Client in Compassionate Release Motion from Federal Prison
Successful Representation
Drafted and Advised Client Regarding Loan to/Equity in Start-Up Business
Drafted Loan
Drafted $100,000 Bridge Loan
Successful Representation
Assisted Client in Global Entry Investigation
Advised Client
Advised Client Regarding Insurance Company Investigation of Pet Insurance Fraud
Represent Potential Purchaser
Represent Potential Purchaser of Real Property Subject to Forfeiture Action in EDNY
Advised Client
Advise Client regarding Board Membership at a Non-Profit that was under investigation
Provided Legal Opinion
Provided Client with Legal Opinion Regarding New Jersey Governor's COVID-19 Related Executive Orders
Advised Non-Profit
Advised Non-Profit Regarding Damage to Roof by Solar Company
Successful Representation
Represented Company in State Employment Discrimination Matter
Successful Representation
Represented BCBA Company in Civil Action against Insurance Company
Bogus Personal Injury Claim
Successfully Defended Company Against Bogus Personal Injury Claim
Represented Defendant
Represented Defendant in State Civil Action
Successful Representation
Represented Corporate Client in Multi-Million Defamation and Fraud Matter
Achieved favorable result
Achieved a favorable result for former public official in improvidently brought civil action
Obtained favorable settlement
Obtained a favorable settlement in an Employment Discrimination Action for a former member of law enforcement
Successful Representation
Represented Corporate Client in a New Jersey State Civil Tort Action
Successfully Defendant Client
Successfully Defendant Client in a New Jersey Civil Fraudulent Conveyance Claim
Very Favorable Settlement
Obtained Very Favorable Settlement for Sexual Abuse Victim of the Catholic Church and Others
Successful Representation
Successfully Represented Respondent in NYS Family Court Order of Protection Proceeding
Successful Representation
Successfully Represented Home Inspector in Civil Action Claiming Negligence
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Federal Personal Injury Defense Matter
Successful Representation
Represented Company Regarding US HUD Investigation and Subpoena Response
Avoided Prosecution
Avoided Prosecution of Client in New Jersey Real Estate Commission Related Investigation
Successful Representation
Successfully Represented Medical Doctors in Federal Health Care Fraud Investigation
Avoided Prosecution
Successfully Assisted Client-Corporation in Avoiding Prosecution in a New Jersey Homeland Security Fraud Investigation
Subpoena Response
Advised Client Regarding IRS and Grand Jury Subpoena Response
Provided Legal Advice
Provided Legal Advice and Federal Grand Jury Subpoena Response to Large Privately-Held Company - Saving Client Over $1 Million in Fees
Successful Representation
Represented Client in Subpoena Response and Testimony before the NJ Committee on Investigation
Successful Representation
Represented company, owner and employee in FBI/USAO Criminal Investigation
Fraud Investigation
Represented CPA in Federal Grand Jury Fraud Investigation
Successful Representation
Represented Critical Witnesses in Federal Health Care Fraud Prosecution in Rhode Island
Subpoena Response
Assisted Client in Federal Grand Jury Subpoena Response
Avoided Prosecution
Successfully Avoided Prosecution for Target of an EDNY Federal Money Laundering Investigation
Successfully Defended Clients
Successfully Defended Clients in a Federal District of New Jersey Civil Investigative Demand Deposition
Reporting Violations
Assist Client in Reporting Violations of Russian Sanctions to the FBI
Represented Witness
Represented Witness in SDNY Wire Fraud Investigation
Represented Essential Witnesses
Represented Essential Witnesses in Federal Sex Trafficking Prosecution
Represent Critical Witnesses
Represent Critical Witnesses in Federal EDNY Sex Trafficking Prosecution
no criminal charges
Represented Client Resulting in no criminal charges being brought in a New Jersey Attorney General, Division of Criminal Justice Financial Fraud Investigation
Avoided Prosecution
Successfully Avoided Prosecution for Target of a New Jersey Federal Money Laundering Investigation
Represented Witness
Represented Witness in a New York False Claims Act Investigation
Represented Witness
Represented Witness in Federal Payroll Tax Investigation in New Jersey
Represented Victim
Represented Victim of Sexual Assault in West Windsor, New Jersey
Avoided Prosecution
Helped Client Avoid Prosecution in New Jersey Drug-Induced Death Investigation
Represented Witness
Represented Witness in Federal Tax Fraud Trial
Represented Witness
Represented Witness Regarding a Third-Party Deposition in a Federal Trade Secrets Matter in the Middle District of Florida
Successful Representation
Represent Various C-Suite Members of Publicly Traded Company Regarding Securities Fraud Perpetrated by CEO and President of Company
no criminal charges
Represented Target, Corporate Counsel, in SDNY/SEC Wire Fraud Investigation, Resulting in no Criminal Charges Being Brought
Represented Witness
Represented Witness in a New Jersey Federal Grand Jury Subpoena
Successful Consultation
Consulted for a Domestic Violence Victim
Represented Witness
Represented Witness in New Jersey State DOI Investigation Regarding the Addiction Recovery Industry
Represented Multiple Victims
Represented Multiple Victims of a New Jersey Federal Credit Card Bust-Out Scheme
Represented 10 Employees
Represented 10 Employees in Federal Fraud Investigation -- None were Charged
Representative Cases
Effective Defense Against Federal And State Criminal Charges
When you are facing federal white collar crime charges, it is critical that you begin taking action as soon as possible. Do not leave your future to chance. Work with a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney.