State Criminal Defense Lawyer

No matter what type of criminal charges you may be faced with, I can defend your rights and your future.

Attorney Peter Katz

State Criminal Defense Lawyer for NJ and NY

A criminal conviction in New York or New Jersey carries serious penalties. It also can bring collateral consequences that affect you for the rest of your life. Peter Katz is a Manhattan criminal defense lawyer with decades of experience and a former federal and state prosecutor who uses insights to help clients who have been charged with crimes.

We handle many high-stakes charges, including federal and state crimes, appeal convictions, and seek expungements. Our defense team is available for witnesses and subjects or targets of federal or state investigations in New York or New Jersey. At the Law Offices of Peter Katz, we offer prospective clients free and confidential initial consultations. Call 609-734-4380 to arrange a meeting with me.

Types of Charges We Handle

At the Law Offices of Peter Katz, we handle complex charges related to white-collar crimes and serve clients in New York and New Jersey.

We defend clients charged with crimes involving:

As a former prosecutor and a seasoned defense attorney, I have a profound understanding of criminal law and offer defense for many other crimes as well.

Defense for Federal Criminal Charges

What must be proven and the penalties for a conviction will depend on the charge. Many federal crimes involve controlled substances, for example. Federal drug charges are governed by the Controlled Substances Act (Title 21 U.S.C. Section 801 et seq.). This law places drugs in categories ranging from Schedule I to Schedule V. Schedule I drugs are those that are believed to have no acceptable use. Convictions for federal drug crimes can carry particularly harsh penalties, depending on the schedule into which the drug at issue falls.

For example, cocaine is a Schedule II drug. If you are charged with a first cocaine offense in federal court, the penalty is up to 40 years of incarceration. If a death or serious injury occurred in addition to the drug offense for which you’ve been charged, you can face greater penalties. The high stakes of these cases make it critical to consult a criminal defense attorney in Manhattan or the surrounding areas who can fight for your rights.

Defense for State Crime Charges

Each state also has its own statutes that govern criminal matters. In New York, some of the most harshly punished crimes are violent crimes like assault, manslaughter, or domestic violence. It is often possible to convince a prosecutor to drop the case, persuade the judge to dismiss it or obtain a plea bargain for a reduced charge. Prosecutors determine how to charge a defendant based on factors such as the extent to which someone was injured, whether a weapon was involved, the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator, and the alleged motives of the perpetrator. Sometimes, police make an arrest without fully investigating the circumstances. An arrest is a long way from a conviction.

Sophisticated and Proven Defense Strategies

You should not assume that a conviction is assured simply because you have been charged in federal or state court. All crimes need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and I can help you construct a strategy to make it as hard as possible for the prosecution to meet this burden. Sometimes, it is possible to defend by raising a reasonable doubt about one or more elements of a charge. Lack of intent may be a persuasive defense against charges requiring intent. In other cases, there are procedural or constitutional defenses that I may be able to raise. For example, if the police did not have a reasonable suspicion of criminal wrongdoing before detaining you, it may be possible to get evidence that was obtained during a wrongful search and seizure suppressed. There are also many charges for which there are substantive defenses, such as self-defense or defense of others.

Consult Peter Katz to Discuss Your Charges

At the Law Offices of Peter Katz, we treat your case as a top priority. We know the stakes and strive to be available day and night. Our firm is dedicated to pursuing the best possible outcome for each client and has a record of success defending criminal charges in New Jersey and New York. My rates are reasonable, and I offer flexible payment options. Call 609-734-4380 or connect with me via my website contact form. I help clients in New York and New Jersey.

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